Le marchand de sable (Sandman pour les anglais !) va bientôt passer et vous n’avez pas encore souhaité une belle et bonne nuit à votre amour ? Mais qu’attendez-vous ? Car il n’y a rien de mieux pour partir rapidement dans les bras de Morphée que de recevoir un charmant petit SMS de bonne nuit ! Alors pour souhaiter à votre amour une bonne nuit, voici 10 modèles de SMS d’amour en anglais : good night honey !
Modèle de SMS Good night
1/ Sweet dreams my darling, I kiss you tenderly and I use my love power to wrap you up with blankets so that you can stay warm as you sleep !!
2/ Good night my angel, rest well, I can’t wait to see you tomorrow!
3/I can’t wait to fall asleep so that we can meet in our dreams my darling…
4/ You will find in this SMS a big and warm hug ready to use! Good night, sleep tight honey!
5/ You are the most wonderful person I’ve ever known: smart, attractive, fun, caring and loving … I am really happy and more than lucky to be with you my love ❤ Have a good night!
6/ Good night sweet heart, before going to bed, I challenge you to find the sweet little words that I concealed all over your apartment! Be careful not to go to bed too lately though… 😉
7/ I hope you will have less trouble than me falling asleep; I feel so alone in my bed. I miss your presence, your look, your skin, and your kisses.
8/ Just before you go to bed, I’m sending you this little gift. | ❤ Warrant for kisses and a sweet hug ❤ | Make good use of it my love 😉
9/ I wish I could fall asleep by hugging you… It is in those moments that I feel the best ! Make beautiful dreams my dear!
10/ Before you fell asleep, I wanted to thank you for everything. I wanted to thank you for being you. You are the personification of my happiness, so rest well, because I want you to take care of yourself! 😉