SMS d’amour en anglais : good night


Modèles de 50 SMS originaux et introuvables sur internet pour surprendre et émouvoir votre moitié.

Le marchand de sable (Sandman pour les anglais !) va bientôt passer et vous n’avez pas encore souhaité une belle et bonne nuit à votre amour ? Mais qu’attendez-vous ? Car il n’y a rien de mieux pour partir rapidement dans les bras de Morphée que de recevoir un charmant petit SMS de bonne nuit ! Alors pour souhaiter à votre amour une bonne nuit, voici 10 modèles de SMS d’amour en anglais : good night honey !

Modèle de SMS Good night

1/ Sweet dreams my darling, I kiss you tenderly and I use my love power to wrap you up with blankets so that you can stay warm as you sleep !!

2/ Good night my angel, rest well, I can’t wait to see you tomorrow!

3/I can’t wait to fall asleep so that we can meet in our dreams my darling…

4/ You will find in this SMS a big and warm hug ready to use! Good night, sleep tight honey!

5/ You are the most wonderful person I’ve ever known: smart, attractive, fun, caring and loving … I am really happy and more than lucky to be with you my love ❤ Have a good night!

6/ Good night sweet heart, before going to bed, I challenge you to find the sweet little words that I concealed all over your apartment! Be careful not to go to bed too lately though… 😉

7/ I hope you will have less trouble than me falling asleep; I feel so alone in my bed. I miss your presence, your look, your skin, and your kisses.

8/ Just before you go to bed, I’m sending you this little gift. | ❤ Warrant for kisses and a sweet hug ❤ | Make good use of it my love 😉

9/ I wish I could fall asleep by hugging you… It is in those moments that I feel the best ! Make beautiful dreams my dear!

10/ Before you fell asleep, I wanted to thank you for everything. I wanted to thank you for being you. You are the personification of my happiness, so rest well, because I want you to take care of yourself! 😉

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